A big congratulations to Dave and Cat, who are now the proud parents of baby Benjamin John. I hear that everything went swimmingly (and the lucky girl only had a ten-hour labour!)
Whee! More babies to cuddle!!! :D :D XD
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Get a haircut and get a real job
Some people really enjoy staying at home full-time, and I will admit that it does have its perks.
But truth be told, I am really, *really* missing work. Not contributing to the household finances, not exercising my brain beyond singing along with Playschool and not keeping my library dork skillz sharp is all adding up to equal one big, fat inferiority complex. It's silly, but at the moment I feel really dumb, socially inept and generally cut off from everything. My work is a big part of who I am.
We're off to Brisbane tomorrow for a five-day trip, and I intend to poke my head around the door at my (former? future???) workplace to say hi. Hopefully I'll also find out whether or not my application to be reappointed has been accpeted. The suspense is killing me!
But truth be told, I am really, *really* missing work. Not contributing to the household finances, not exercising my brain beyond singing along with Playschool and not keeping my library dork skillz sharp is all adding up to equal one big, fat inferiority complex. It's silly, but at the moment I feel really dumb, socially inept and generally cut off from everything. My work is a big part of who I am.
We're off to Brisbane tomorrow for a five-day trip, and I intend to poke my head around the door at my (former? future???) workplace to say hi. Hopefully I'll also find out whether or not my application to be reappointed has been accpeted. The suspense is killing me!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Happy birthday
To my darling husband and constant companion of 8 (yes, 8!) years. You're still as gorgeous as the day I first met you. I love you, sweetheart. :)
Friday, October 12, 2007
It's raining, I'm home alone, and I want to shave my head
'cause I'm bored and can't do a bloody thing with my hair. Damn post-partum alopaecia. :?
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Growing up
Genevieve has made the transition from her cot to the big bed. This is her fifth day out of the cot and I can't believe how well it is going. Night time was a seamless transition, and daytime sleeps went pretty smoothly as well; there have been a couple of times where she hasn't wanted her morning sleep, but we got there in the end. A twenty-minute stroll to the supermarket up the street seems sufficient to wear Genevieve out before her morning kip. ;)
Give it a couple more weeks and I'll be putting the cot into storage until the next munchkin eventually comes along. My little girl is growing up so quickly...
Give it a couple more weeks and I'll be putting the cot into storage until the next munchkin eventually comes along. My little girl is growing up so quickly...
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
A tute for my fellow nappy nerds
DIY pull-up cloth trainers!
/must finish her other projects first
/must finish her other projects first
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Another parenthood perk
You can watch Sesame Street and Playschool without getting strange looks from others. :D
/<3333333 Count Von Count
/<3333333 Count Von Count
Monday, September 24, 2007
Enquiring minds want to know!
Genevieve has a new thing: she has figured out that if she points to something and asks, "What's this?" we'll tell her. Yesterday, she pointed to the overflow in Mum's bathroom and asked what it was. "A drain," I responded.
"Yes, a drain." She was satisfied with this answer and trundled off to play in the yard.
This morning, we were on the tram. Genevieve looked up. A little voice, accompanied by a pointing finger, rang out. "What's this?"
"A handle."
Big grin. "Handle! HANDLE!"
"Yes, a drain." She was satisfied with this answer and trundled off to play in the yard.
This morning, we were on the tram. Genevieve looked up. A little voice, accompanied by a pointing finger, rang out. "What's this?"
"A handle."
Big grin. "Handle! HANDLE!"
Monday, September 17, 2007
City life, alright
Living in inner-city Melbourne has its pros: loads of public transport (we only run the car once every couple of weeks to make sure it still starts), great shopping, no yard to worry about, the fresh produce markets nearby, plenty of places down the street that know how to make decent coffee. Having a gym and pool downstairs (which admittedly I only use occasionally) is also a plus.
There is a part of me that doesn't want to go back to suburban life. Sure, I desperately want to go back to Brisbane (and Wynnum is a beautiful place, don't get me wrong), but the idea of selling up and buying an apartment or a townhouse in the Valley or Spring Hill is tantalising. Loads of restaurants, good coffee, the markets in James St, the bus, ferry and train, not to mention the night life. There's a couple of hitches; we would a) Have to go into debt another $200,000 and undo all of the hard work we've put in over the past 4 years, and b) Be on the opposite side of town to our family, friends and Church.
God forgive me, I'm turning into a swanker.
There is a part of me that doesn't want to go back to suburban life. Sure, I desperately want to go back to Brisbane (and Wynnum is a beautiful place, don't get me wrong), but the idea of selling up and buying an apartment or a townhouse in the Valley or Spring Hill is tantalising. Loads of restaurants, good coffee, the markets in James St, the bus, ferry and train, not to mention the night life. There's a couple of hitches; we would a) Have to go into debt another $200,000 and undo all of the hard work we've put in over the past 4 years, and b) Be on the opposite side of town to our family, friends and Church.
God forgive me, I'm turning into a swanker.
My wee lass
Genevieve is growing up so quickly. She climbs stairs competently, loves playing on the swings at Albert Park and isn't afraid of the big slide (the little one is for babies). She speaks in short sentences, sings and can dance in time with songs that she particularly likes on Rage (Nick Cave and PJ Harvey have her transfixed, as does Kate Bush). Ben and I no longer have to feed her at meal times.
Shades of the terrible twos are creeping in here and there (her stubborn, independent streak is making itself known), though unless she's tired or not feeling the best, Genevieve is still one of the happiest toddlers out there. She is being moved up to the next age group at daycare, partly because the babies are being put in with the toddlers, and partly because she could do with some activities that are a bit more mentally (and physically) challenging.
Popular and new words/phrases at the moment are:
Shades of the terrible twos are creeping in here and there (her stubborn, independent streak is making itself known), though unless she's tired or not feeling the best, Genevieve is still one of the happiest toddlers out there. She is being moved up to the next age group at daycare, partly because the babies are being put in with the toddlers, and partly because she could do with some activities that are a bit more mentally (and physically) challenging.
Popular and new words/phrases at the moment are:
- Medicine
- Dinosaur
- Booger ('tis cold and flu season, after all)
- Outside
- Bye, bodies! (she doesn't quite have the hang of 'everybody' yet)
- Dinner
- See ya!
- Daddy's shoes
- Mummy's shoes
- Hot
- ABBY! (she loves seeing pictures of her baby cousin)
- People
- Baby
- Lady
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Our backyard
Our yard in Brissie is *humongous*. You could have a pretty decent game of footy out there.
I'm kind of missing it right now... Genevieve's current favourite place (and word) is 'outside! Outside!!! OUTSIDE!!1!!!ONE' and it would be nice to have somewhere outdoors to take her where I don't have to be concerned about whether or not I am dressed and presentable.
And I've also come up with an idea for the desolate patch of ground where the 70-foot-tall leopard tree used to reside. It involves a snowflake, assorted succulents, weed mat and a whole heap of river stones (exact colour yet to be decided). Tidy, attractive and the only thing that will have a snowball's chance of surviving during the current water restrictions.
I'm kind of missing it right now... Genevieve's current favourite place (and word) is 'outside! Outside!!! OUTSIDE!!1!!!ONE' and it would be nice to have somewhere outdoors to take her where I don't have to be concerned about whether or not I am dressed and presentable.
And I've also come up with an idea for the desolate patch of ground where the 70-foot-tall leopard tree used to reside. It involves a snowflake, assorted succulents, weed mat and a whole heap of river stones (exact colour yet to be decided). Tidy, attractive and the only thing that will have a snowball's chance of surviving during the current water restrictions.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Since Genevieve decided that weaning was the cool thing to do, things have (understandably) shrunk and none of my bras fit. All of my teeny-tiny pre-baby numbers are stashed away in the garage in Brisbane, so a trip to Target was in order.
And you know what? I wanted to buy something pretty, but all of their nice underpinnings only had larger sizes left on the shelf. So I had to settle for basic, unadorned cotton with nary a scrap of lace.
*shakes fist*
Damn you, size 10B women of Melbourne!
And you know what? I wanted to buy something pretty, but all of their nice underpinnings only had larger sizes left on the shelf. So I had to settle for basic, unadorned cotton with nary a scrap of lace.
*shakes fist*
Damn you, size 10B women of Melbourne!
Genevieve is off colour again with a bad cold which is borderline flu. She slept twelve hours last night and asked to go back to bed just after breakfast...
So yesterday afternoon I was called by daycare to come and collect her, as she had a temperature of 38.2. Much to her carer's surprise, she was still very happy and enjoying her day despite being unwell. When I came to collect Genevieve, the carer was singing my little girl's praises and went so far as to say (and this is verbatim), "She just does everything right!"
Dunno where she gets that from, then.
So yesterday afternoon I was called by daycare to come and collect her, as she had a temperature of 38.2. Much to her carer's surprise, she was still very happy and enjoying her day despite being unwell. When I came to collect Genevieve, the carer was singing my little girl's praises and went so far as to say (and this is verbatim), "She just does everything right!"
Dunno where she gets that from, then.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Grandma will be 82 on October 6th. She's still pretty sharp, has a strong heart, lungs and kidney and gets out of the house more often than her shut-in granddaughter. Chances are she'll be pushing 100 and still going strong.
Unfortunately, she has osteoporosis, cataracts and a tendency to forget which way is up. The cataracts are going to be dealt with very soon, but her brittle bones and shaky balance are things that can't be fixed by day surgery. Yesterday she had another fall and this time broke her hand in three places. For someone who is already losing dexterity (and as a result a fair bit of her independence), this is a huge blow.
I'm worried about my Grandma and feel frustrated about being 1800km away. It's too late to call her tonight; will find out more tomorrow.
Unfortunately, she has osteoporosis, cataracts and a tendency to forget which way is up. The cataracts are going to be dealt with very soon, but her brittle bones and shaky balance are things that can't be fixed by day surgery. Yesterday she had another fall and this time broke her hand in three places. For someone who is already losing dexterity (and as a result a fair bit of her independence), this is a huge blow.
I'm worried about my Grandma and feel frustrated about being 1800km away. It's too late to call her tonight; will find out more tomorrow.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Weaning: Redux
Well, it's been 1 week since Genevieve was taken off daytime feeds. Day 1 was slightly snarky, Day 2 went without a hitch. Come bedtime, Genevieve half-heartedly latched on and only fed off one side before declaring herself done. Day 3, she wasn't remotely interested in the boob (I think she even rolled her eyes at me) and hasn't had a Mummy feed since Sunday.
No tears, no tantrums, no trouble getting her to sleep at night. In fact, for the first time in about 6 weeks, Genevieve is sleeping through the night (or at the very least settling herself when she wakes up). That was unexpectedly easy.
No tears, no tantrums, no trouble getting her to sleep at night. In fact, for the first time in about 6 weeks, Genevieve is sleeping through the night (or at the very least settling herself when she wakes up). That was unexpectedly easy.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Word of the day
Genevieve has started saying her name! Her pronunciation isn't perfect (it comes out as as Gen-ni-vee), but it's clear enough that you can tell what she's saying.
And her current favourite phrase is, "Daddy's at work" or "Daddy's gone to work". She uses a very authoritative tone when relaying this information. :)
And her current favourite phrase is, "Daddy's at work" or "Daddy's gone to work". She uses a very authoritative tone when relaying this information. :)
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Things I miss about Brisbane
- Our family (in-laws included)
- Our friends
- Our Church
- The house
- My job (oh, to be back doing original cataloguing and actually earning money again!)
- My piano
- Ben's guitar
- All of the stuff I left behind in the garage
- Too many other things that I can't think of right now
Things I don't miss about Brisbane:
- Being overly reliant on cars to get around
- Drunken teenagers walking down our street at 1am proclaiming that they are 'bad mother****ers'.
Me waaaaaaaant!
Living the high life means that you get accustomed to certain... things. Like sleeping in a queen-size bed.
As much as I adore our beautiful silky oak monstrosity, it's *tiny*. And very high off the ground; I just about have to jump to get into the damn thing. Sorry, Dad... I think my family heirloom will be relegated to the sewing room when we return from our interstate jaunt.
And being very picky, there's very little in the way of modern beds that I actually like and would have in my home. Luckily, I found this little beauty on the website of a national retailer:

Mmmmm. Purty.
As much as I adore our beautiful silky oak monstrosity, it's *tiny*. And very high off the ground; I just about have to jump to get into the damn thing. Sorry, Dad... I think my family heirloom will be relegated to the sewing room when we return from our interstate jaunt.
And being very picky, there's very little in the way of modern beds that I actually like and would have in my home. Luckily, I found this little beauty on the website of a national retailer:

Mmmmm. Purty.
Things haven't been going well at all for me lately and I finally bit the bullet and saw our doctor yesterday. For the second time in my life, I've been put on medication to try and put me back on more of an even keel. Took the first dose before bed last night and I'm feeling a little bit woozy this morning... the initial shock to my system should settle in a day or so (hopefully).
Consequently, I need to wean Genevieve; it's kind of a relief, actually. For the past couple of months it has felt like she's just been having mummy feeds simply because it's there (she hasn't needed EBM at daycare since March and is perfectly happy going without when I'm not around). It'll be nice to have my boobs back. ;) Besides, 16 months is a pretty good innings as far as I'm concerned.
So far, I've been using 'don't ask, don't offer' or telling Genevieve that there's no more and offering her a cup of soy milk instead. Both methods are working pretty well and munchkin is now having her morning nap after a bit of a temper tanty. We're not going to dispense with the bedtime feed just yet; I'll get her used to getting through the day milk-free first.
Consequently, I need to wean Genevieve; it's kind of a relief, actually. For the past couple of months it has felt like she's just been having mummy feeds simply because it's there (she hasn't needed EBM at daycare since March and is perfectly happy going without when I'm not around). It'll be nice to have my boobs back. ;) Besides, 16 months is a pretty good innings as far as I'm concerned.
So far, I've been using 'don't ask, don't offer' or telling Genevieve that there's no more and offering her a cup of soy milk instead. Both methods are working pretty well and munchkin is now having her morning nap after a bit of a temper tanty. We're not going to dispense with the bedtime feed just yet; I'll get her used to getting through the day milk-free first.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Visitors, visitors, visitors
Seems like half of Brisbane is coming to stay with us... it's been a busy month or so. Don't be surprised if the dearth of new entries continues for a few more weeks. :)
Oh, and my best friend from school is moving down here. Wheeeee! :DDDDDDD XD
Oh, and my best friend from school is moving down here. Wheeeee! :DDDDDDD XD
Friday, July 20, 2007
Melbourne is where it's at
There are so many fantastic events coming up in the next couple of months!
On July 29th, I'll be heading off to Northcote for the afternoon to meet none other than Sylvester McCoy. Who? Exactly... Doctor Who! Syl was the first Doctor I ever watched as a wee tyke (my introduction to the Whoniverse was Paradise Towers at the tender age of 5, just after I started school) and the prospect of getting to meet him in the flesh is giving me goosebumps.
Coming up in September... Hoodoo Gurus, Radio Birdman (OMFG!!!!!!) and The Stems @ The Forum.
Then in October, Nick Cave and Grinderman, also at The Forum. NICK. CAVE. WOW.
This girl is officially in geekpunkgoth heaven and about to die of happiness.
On July 29th, I'll be heading off to Northcote for the afternoon to meet none other than Sylvester McCoy. Who? Exactly... Doctor Who! Syl was the first Doctor I ever watched as a wee tyke (my introduction to the Whoniverse was Paradise Towers at the tender age of 5, just after I started school) and the prospect of getting to meet him in the flesh is giving me goosebumps.
Coming up in September... Hoodoo Gurus, Radio Birdman (OMFG!!!!!!) and The Stems @ The Forum.
Then in October, Nick Cave and Grinderman, also at The Forum. NICK. CAVE. WOW.
This girl is officially in geekpunkgoth heaven and about to die of happiness.
Friday, July 6, 2007
Why kids are worth it
Yesterday afternoon, I was feeling particularly gloomy (rainy weather, cold, missing family & friends). Genevieve came along, plonked down on top of me (I was vegging out on the floor) and said as clear as day, "I love you, Mummy!" and then gave me a big hug. She never fails to amaze me.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Thursday, June 21, 2007
The el cheapo washing machine in our apartment decided to crap itself today right after I filled it up with a load of nappies and most of Genevieve's warm clothes.
It just about sent me off the deep end. I kicked that useless bastard as hard as I could without actually denting it and punched the plastic lid several times whilst pretending to be Gene Hunt kicking in a nonce (go watch Life on Mars if you don't know what I'm on about).
The string of expletives that are on the tip of my tongue at the moment is not suitable for a family-oriented blog, so I'm just going to stop typing RIGHT NOW.
It just about sent me off the deep end. I kicked that useless bastard as hard as I could without actually denting it and punched the plastic lid several times whilst pretending to be Gene Hunt kicking in a nonce (go watch Life on Mars if you don't know what I'm on about).
The string of expletives that are on the tip of my tongue at the moment is not suitable for a family-oriented blog, so I'm just going to stop typing RIGHT NOW.
Communicating: one of life's little pleasures
Genevieve's vocabulary is increasing at a fairly steady rate and she is starting to be specific when it comes to telling us what she needs. A couple of weeks ago she started telling us when she wanted a drink of water, and it was like lightbulb switched on in her head; words aren't just for naming things - you can use them to get stuff!
Teething is a big issue at the moment (she has 4 molars which are partially erupted but are still making their way to the surface), so the other night she held her jaw and repeatedly said 'mouth, mouth!' until we brought out the Bonjela. Today's new request at mealtimes is 'MORE!' and she came out with a vehement 'No touch' when I took the clock radio off her this morning.
And another thing... Lately Genevieve has been repeatedly saying something that I thought was counting, though I wasn't 100% sure and kept it to myself. Ben heard her for the first time this morning and confirmed that she is indeed counting to three. My ears weren't playing tricks after all! :D
I think it's okay to be a smug mother right now.
Teething is a big issue at the moment (she has 4 molars which are partially erupted but are still making their way to the surface), so the other night she held her jaw and repeatedly said 'mouth, mouth!' until we brought out the Bonjela. Today's new request at mealtimes is 'MORE!' and she came out with a vehement 'No touch' when I took the clock radio off her this morning.
And another thing... Lately Genevieve has been repeatedly saying something that I thought was counting, though I wasn't 100% sure and kept it to myself. Ben heard her for the first time this morning and confirmed that she is indeed counting to three. My ears weren't playing tricks after all! :D
I think it's okay to be a smug mother right now.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Not a good day to be in the CBD
Every Monday morning, Genevieve and I catch the tram to East Melbourne to go to daycare. This morning as we arrived at our stop about a dozen assorted police vehicles (standard & unmarked cars, armed response units, paddy wagons, the whole 9 yards) came screaming down Flinders St...
Turns out that about five minutes before we arrived three people were shot a couple of streets from our stop, one fatally. The gunman is still on the loose and there are copters buzzing the sky from Southbank (where we live) right around to East Melbourne on the other side of the river.
Walking home was a little bit nerve-wracking; every time a siren sounded or the coppers went past, passersby just about had a heart attack.
Ah, the joys of inner-city life. :-|
Turns out that about five minutes before we arrived three people were shot a couple of streets from our stop, one fatally. The gunman is still on the loose and there are copters buzzing the sky from Southbank (where we live) right around to East Melbourne on the other side of the river.
Walking home was a little bit nerve-wracking; every time a siren sounded or the coppers went past, passersby just about had a heart attack.
Ah, the joys of inner-city life. :-|
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Sunday, June 10, 2007
I stopped in at the house the other night to tie up a few loose ends and just spent a few minutes stalking around the place. Going from room to room, switching on the lights and just looking. Even the loo got a gander.
Melbourne isn't home. It's a lovely place, but it just isn't where my heart is.
I want my house back.
Melbourne isn't home. It's a lovely place, but it just isn't where my heart is.
I want my house back.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
New words
So far over the past day, Genevieve has come out with the following new words:
I'd better go before she destroy's Mum's photo albums...
- Water
- Rain
- Phone
I'd better go before she destroy's Mum's photo albums...
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
It is well with my soul
Having my faith challenged or denigrated (often in an overly hostile manner) is nothing new to me. However, when it is done by someone who is considered a close family friend, it can be hard to swallow... especially when they expect their own beliefs to be respected.
But you know what?
I am who I am. Being a Christian is a huge part of my life, and I'm not going to apologise for it. If you push me, my resolve and faith in God will only be strengthened. It's okay for me to get cranky, because Christians aren't supposed to be wishy-washy doormats or fence-sitters; we're supposed to be fiery and passionate about God's love for us.
It's time for me to grow up and hop off that awful fence which I've been clinging to for way too long. The palings are starting to dig into my bum.
But you know what?
I am who I am. Being a Christian is a huge part of my life, and I'm not going to apologise for it. If you push me, my resolve and faith in God will only be strengthened. It's okay for me to get cranky, because Christians aren't supposed to be wishy-washy doormats or fence-sitters; we're supposed to be fiery and passionate about God's love for us.
It's time for me to grow up and hop off that awful fence which I've been clinging to for way too long. The palings are starting to dig into my bum.
Friday, June 1, 2007
Dairy = eeeeevil?
About 7 weeks ago, Genevieve started having the most horrific digestion problems (trust me, the gory details are best left as an abstract concept). When we moved down here, I cut out as much dairy from her diet as humanly possible and she had about 4 or 5 blissful, explosion-free days.
Then, being the clod I am, I decided to feed her some yoghurt.
Hopefully things will settle down with age.
Then, being the clod I am, I decided to feed her some yoghurt.
Hopefully things will settle down with age.
Hand me a pith helmet and a mosquito net
We're off to Brissie tomorrow for five days to spend time with family and friends as well as for business. Whee! :DDDDDDD
It's going to be odd to return to the muggy climes of South-East Queensland... our maximum temperature in Melbourne today is one degree less than Brisbane's minimum temperature today. Jumpers? We don't need no stinkin' jumpers!
It's going to be odd to return to the muggy climes of South-East Queensland... our maximum temperature in Melbourne today is one degree less than Brisbane's minimum temperature today. Jumpers? We don't need no stinkin' jumpers!
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Friday, May 25, 2007
Oh, ****! (Or: The Perils of Relocating Interstate)
I just collected Ben's car from the depot and it is now safely nestled in the building's secure carpark. We nearly lost the bloody thing, though...
It turns out that the transport company's depot also happens to be an auction house. And due to a bit of confusion on the part of the depot staff, our car (including Genevieve's car seat) was *this* close to being sold. They had it up on the block and were just about to kick things off when a frantic phone call came through from reception telling the auctioneer to call the whole thing off. I kind of wish that they hadn't told me about it. O_O
The upside of the whole incident is that our car is freshly detailed and sparkling clean.
It turns out that the transport company's depot also happens to be an auction house. And due to a bit of confusion on the part of the depot staff, our car (including Genevieve's car seat) was *this* close to being sold. They had it up on the block and were just about to kick things off when a frantic phone call came through from reception telling the auctioneer to call the whole thing off. I kind of wish that they hadn't told me about it. O_O
The upside of the whole incident is that our car is freshly detailed and sparkling clean.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Blessed sleep
Genevieve went to bed wide awake, relaxed and tantrum-free. This is the first time in ages that she has gone to sleep without blasting off into orbit first. Now to see if she'll actually get an uninterrupted night's rest.
Grumpy is thy middle name
The one real downside to being able to travel everywhere on foot is the common cold. I'm on to day three of an absolute shocker and it really isn't a good time to be sick. Genevieve has been really clingy since we arrived and is doing everything in her power to push all of my buttons. When Ben is at work, she is seriously cranky... she's constantly asking for "Daddy Daddy DADDYYYYYYYYYYY!" and doesn't want me to stray more than two feet from her side. Sleeping through the night is also a thing of the past.
She's cooling her heels in solitary at the moment while I have a breather and inhale a cup of coffee.
Bleurgh. I am not having the best of weeks.
She's cooling her heels in solitary at the moment while I have a breather and inhale a cup of coffee.
Bleurgh. I am not having the best of weeks.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
They're heeeeeeeere!
Congratulations to Julie over at Twincidence! The buns were born via caesarean yesterday. Michael and Isaac arrived very early (around 33-34 weeks if I'm not mistaken), so they will be staying in hospital for a little while yet. All the best and well done. :)
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Ding-dong and all's well
After a fairly uneventful flight on Friday, everything has finally fallen into place. The apartment's beautiful, it's in a great location and the neighbourhood is pretty darn nice (but Mum must *not* know that the casino is right outside our front door).
Melbourne is a beautiful city. We're right next to the West Gate Freeway, but the traffic noise is fairly minimal. There are a lot of trees along the streets, high-rise buildings are fairly scarce and there's a real village atmosphere. The South Melbourne Markets are less than five minutes' walk from here and are a revelation... if you want it, chances are you'll find it at the markets. I'll be heading down there on Wednesday for fresh produce and on Friday I plan to buy out a stallholder's stash of spiderweb lace (it comes in three colours!)
There are so many things available here that you wouldn't have a hope of finding in Brisbane... I have finally tracked down a tea shop that sells roast barley tea and Maccha/Matcha (powdered green tea, the key ingredient in green tea ice cream).
Will post pics once I have finished unpacking and am a little more organised.
Melbourne is a beautiful city. We're right next to the West Gate Freeway, but the traffic noise is fairly minimal. There are a lot of trees along the streets, high-rise buildings are fairly scarce and there's a real village atmosphere. The South Melbourne Markets are less than five minutes' walk from here and are a revelation... if you want it, chances are you'll find it at the markets. I'll be heading down there on Wednesday for fresh produce and on Friday I plan to buy out a stallholder's stash of spiderweb lace (it comes in three colours!)
There are so many things available here that you wouldn't have a hope of finding in Brisbane... I have finally tracked down a tea shop that sells roast barley tea and Maccha/Matcha (powdered green tea, the key ingredient in green tea ice cream).
Will post pics once I have finished unpacking and am a little more organised.
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Everything is a bloody problem
!@#$%^&*(%)^%&*?BARBARA STREISAND!!!!!1
This whole moving thing is really starting to royally piss me off. I'm so cranky right now and anyone who disapproves of my tone of voice can SHOVE IT.
Screw the company. Screw them right in the ear.
*sips some cheap and nasty merlot*
So there.
This whole moving thing is really starting to royally piss me off. I'm so cranky right now and anyone who disapproves of my tone of voice can SHOVE IT.
Screw the company. Screw them right in the ear.
*sips some cheap and nasty merlot*
So there.
Monday, May 7, 2007
A skinny little Brownie and a fat Girl Guide
While packing today I came across my old Girl Guide uniform which dates back to 1993.
I can still fit into it without too much hassle. This is either cause for amusement or unbridled horror. Either way, I'm saving it for fancy dress parties...
I can still fit into it without too much hassle. This is either cause for amusement or unbridled horror. Either way, I'm saving it for fancy dress parties...
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Introducing... Abby
Abigail Dawn Stockton was born at 2.18am this morning, Wednesday May 2nd. At birth she weighed 7lb 15oz, was 52cm long and had a head circumference of 38cm. Mother and baby had bit of a rough time (last-minute caesarean) but are now doing splendidly. Welcome to the family, kiddo. :D
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Movement at the station
Looks like we're going to have a new niece or nephew within the next day or so. Wheee!
Making headway
Well, we finally found out where we'll be living while in exile... it's about a ten-minute walk from the office, right near the river, the tram stops right outside the front door and it's *extremely* posh... I'm talking granite benchtops in the kitchen, a swanky bathroom, heated pool, gym and sauna. Holy dooley. We're not going to know ourselves. o_0
Friday, April 27, 2007
Who's a pretty polly, then?
Genevieve is getting to that delightful age where she is starting to parrot attractive-sounding words. So far this week she has come out with the following:
Grandad (pronounced 'dada')
And the absolute kicker:
Yeah, my kid is learning all of the important words early.
Grandad (pronounced 'dada')
And the absolute kicker:
Yeah, my kid is learning all of the important words early.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Kristie made me do it!
1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 23.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the next three sentences in your journal along with these instructions.
5. Don't dig for your favourite book, the cool book, or the intellectual one: pick the CLOSEST.
6. Tag five other people to do the same.
John Metcalfe, writing in 1951 on libraries in relation to the jubilee of the Australian commonwealth, stated one of the major turning points in Australian library history: 'Since 1934 there has been a library renascence in Australian which is still going on. The Munn-Pitt report was published in 1935 and this has had such a bettering influence on library provision in Australia that librarians have talked of a new time reckoning'.
Tagged: Ben, Nikolai, Elli... dunno another two people with blogs, so there. :P
2. Open the book to page 23.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the next three sentences in your journal along with these instructions.
5. Don't dig for your favourite book, the cool book, or the intellectual one: pick the CLOSEST.
6. Tag five other people to do the same.
John Metcalfe, writing in 1951 on libraries in relation to the jubilee of the Australian commonwealth, stated one of the major turning points in Australian library history: 'Since 1934 there has been a library renascence in Australian which is still going on. The Munn-Pitt report was published in 1935 and this has had such a bettering influence on library provision in Australia that librarians have talked of a new time reckoning'.
Tagged: Ben, Nikolai, Elli... dunno another two people with blogs, so there. :P
Monday, April 23, 2007
OMFG renovating is teh suck!
Yeah, I know. Nice title. :p
So far I have been without a proper kitchen with running water or stovetop for nine days. You heard right, ladies and gentlemen. Nine. Days.
My cooking area consists of the cruddy old cabinets from the now-demolished kitchen set up on the back deck with a microwave and electric wok to cook with. I never realised how handy the stove was until it was disconnected. Thank bloody goodness it's only five days until the new cabinets go in... there's only so much left-overs, fast food and crappy pasta a girl (and her husband and her daughter) can take before going something something.
So far I have been without a proper kitchen with running water or stovetop for nine days. You heard right, ladies and gentlemen. Nine. Days.
My cooking area consists of the cruddy old cabinets from the now-demolished kitchen set up on the back deck with a microwave and electric wok to cook with. I never realised how handy the stove was until it was disconnected. Thank bloody goodness it's only five days until the new cabinets go in... there's only so much left-overs, fast food and crappy pasta a girl (and her husband and her daughter) can take before going something something.
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