Monday, August 25, 2008

The lass

Genevieve never fails to surprise (or amuse) me. At 29 months of age, she is showing signs of being pretty damn intelligent... sure, being her mum makes me a bit biased, but can you blame me? :D Here's a run-down of some of the lastest antics/achievements:

*She loves drawing and 'writing'. Artistic skills are evolving to the point where she can now draw a recognizable smiley face, and she's having a stab at writing letters and numbers.

*'Mummy' and 'Daddy' are so passé... it's now 'Mum' and 'Dad'.

*Her vocab has expanded at an alarming rate - it's not unusual for her to rattle off long-winded sentences of 15-20 words.

*The other night at bedtime, Genevieve got a little silly and started bouncing on the bed. When Dad told her to stop, she argued back with, "But The Wiggles bounce!"
Not on the bed, they don't.

*Her love of food and her macabre way of looking at the world knows no bounds. While looking at a photo of cute, fluffy baby chicks the other night, she exclaimed, "I like chickens! They're yummy!"
Miss G then proceeded to list all of the other farm animals she liked to eat (piggie, moo-cow, duck) while pointing to the corresponding pictures. I had to explain that while the French may like eating horsey meat, it's not considered socially acceptable here in Australia.

*Agility and strength have continued to develop. She now competently climbs stairs without a second thought and has started actively inventing new routines to try out on the swing set in our yard. She is currently mastering the gentle art of climbing up the slippery-slide...


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