Monday, August 20, 2007


Grandma will be 82 on October 6th. She's still pretty sharp, has a strong heart, lungs and kidney and gets out of the house more often than her shut-in granddaughter. Chances are she'll be pushing 100 and still going strong.

Unfortunately, she has osteoporosis, cataracts and a tendency to forget which way is up. The cataracts are going to be dealt with very soon, but her brittle bones and shaky balance are things that can't be fixed by day surgery. Yesterday she had another fall and this time broke her hand in three places. For someone who is already losing dexterity (and as a result a fair bit of her independence), this is a huge blow.

I'm worried about my Grandma and feel frustrated about being 1800km away. It's too late to call her tonight; will find out more tomorrow.


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