Monday, September 17, 2007

City life, alright

Living in inner-city Melbourne has its pros: loads of public transport (we only run the car once every couple of weeks to make sure it still starts), great shopping, no yard to worry about, the fresh produce markets nearby, plenty of places down the street that know how to make decent coffee. Having a gym and pool downstairs (which admittedly I only use occasionally) is also a plus.

There is a part of me that doesn't want to go back to suburban life. Sure, I desperately want to go back to Brisbane (and Wynnum is a beautiful place, don't get me wrong), but the idea of selling up and buying an apartment or a townhouse in the Valley or Spring Hill is tantalising. Loads of restaurants, good coffee, the markets in James St, the bus, ferry and train, not to mention the night life. There's a couple of hitches; we would a) Have to go into debt another $200,000 and undo all of the hard work we've put in over the past 4 years, and b) Be on the opposite side of town to our family, friends and Church.

God forgive me, I'm turning into a swanker.

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