Monday, September 17, 2007

My wee lass

Genevieve is growing up so quickly. She climbs stairs competently, loves playing on the swings at Albert Park and isn't afraid of the big slide (the little one is for babies). She speaks in short sentences, sings and can dance in time with songs that she particularly likes on Rage (Nick Cave and PJ Harvey have her transfixed, as does Kate Bush). Ben and I no longer have to feed her at meal times.

Shades of the terrible twos are creeping in here and there (her stubborn, independent streak is making itself known), though unless she's tired or not feeling the best, Genevieve is still one of the happiest toddlers out there. She is being moved up to the next age group at daycare, partly because the babies are being put in with the toddlers, and partly because she could do with some activities that are a bit more mentally (and physically) challenging.

Popular and new words/phrases at the moment are:

  • Medicine
  • Dinosaur
  • Booger ('tis cold and flu season, after all)
  • Outside
  • Bye, bodies! (she doesn't quite have the hang of 'everybody' yet)
  • Dinner
  • See ya!
  • Daddy's shoes
  • Mummy's shoes
  • Hot
  • ABBY! (she loves seeing pictures of her baby cousin)
  • People
  • Baby
  • Lady

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