Thursday, June 21, 2007

Communicating: one of life's little pleasures

Genevieve's vocabulary is increasing at a fairly steady rate and she is starting to be specific when it comes to telling us what she needs. A couple of weeks ago she started telling us when she wanted a drink of water, and it was like lightbulb switched on in her head; words aren't just for naming things - you can use them to get stuff!

Teething is a big issue at the moment (she has 4 molars which are partially erupted but are still making their way to the surface), so the other night she held her jaw and repeatedly said 'mouth, mouth!' until we brought out the Bonjela. Today's new request at mealtimes is 'MORE!' and she came out with a vehement 'No touch' when I took the clock radio off her this morning.

And another thing... Lately Genevieve has been repeatedly saying something that I thought was counting, though I wasn't 100% sure and kept it to myself. Ben heard her for the first time this morning and confirmed that she is indeed counting to three. My ears weren't playing tricks after all! :D

I think it's okay to be a smug mother right now.

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